Summary and Setup

This is a new lesson built with The Carpentries Workbench.


At the end of this course, you’ll able to:

  • describe what sampling and probability distributions are
  • list some common distributions of biological data
  • visualise the distribution of your data in R
  • pick a suitable distribution to model your data with


The episodes can be taught in about 2 hours. Your individual reading time may be different.

For completing the exercises (episode 13), we typically plan 1.5 hours.


Before starting this course, we recommend you complete a first tutorial on data handling and visualisation or have basic knowledge or R and the tidyverse.


You need R and RStudio running on your computer, as we will not fix installations during the course.

Links for installation:

If you have an EMBL account, an alternative to installation can be using - please check that you can log in, in case you want to use this option.

To install all packages necessary for completing the exercises and running the demonstrations, run the following command from the console in RStudio:
